Monday, June 15, 2015

18 Month Post-op Appointment!

Mason had his 18 month post-op CT scan and appointment with Dr. Wrubel.  We were really worried that he would have to be sedated for his ultrasound, but he did amazing!  Glory be to God for keeping him calm and still for his CT scan!

Our appointment with Dr. Wrubel went well.  He did say for the first time, that Mason is likely facing another surgery before Kindergarten.  His big gap (and smaller ones) in his skull, are just not getting smaller.  We aren't going to dwell on the thought of another surgery, but are mentally prepared to face it when it comes along.  The good news is that his entire skull will not need to be taken apart again.  They would use the same ear to ear incision that was previously made, cut a "pancake" out of an area of his skull, cut that piece into 2 thin pieces, replace it where it came from, and then use the other piece to fill in the gaps.  He would still have a lot of swelling and bruising, but the hospital stay should be shorter and less extensive.

His next CT scan and appointment is in a year, so we will just be enjoying our little man until then. :) Thank you all for your continued thoughts, prayers, and love for Mason!

Here's a picture of our post-appointment breakfast with Mason.  I totally forgot to get a picture with Dr. Wrubel this time!