Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Our Pre-Surgery Photo Session

After Mason's appointment with his craniofacial plastic surgeon today, we met up with my photographer friend for a lifestyle family session before Mason's surgery (yes, photographers need photographers too!).  I wanted to do a photo session to remember our days before the big surgery, and to remember every little sweet detail of Mason before surgery - he will look so much different after surgery (makes me sad to think of him looking any different than he does because I think he looks perfect just like he is).  She did an AMAZING job, and we had such a great time doing the session.  We are forever grateful for these sweet memories captured for us.  Thank you, Megan!!!

(click the HD button for full, top quality)

1 comment:

  1. He's beautiful, Baylee! Your whole family is! He will look different, but after a few weeks you'll see your same baby again. I promise!
