Thursday, October 3, 2013

Craniofacial Surgeon Appointment

We met with Mason's Craniofacial (plastic) surgeon yesterday morning.  His name is Dr. Gregory Mackay.  You can read more about him here:  We fist met with his PA who took pictures and measurements of Mason's head.  She went over some of the details about the surgery with us and about Dr. Mackay.  When I learned that he was a plastic surgeon prior to the appointment, I was honestly concerned because I was afraid he does more cosmetic than what Mason needs.  He actually is more of a Craniofacial Surgeon and reconstructive surgeon than cosmetic.  He has a ton of experience with Craniosynostosis and does 3-4 surgeries for it each month.  Knowing that made me feel so much better.  He is one of only 3 surgeons in Atlanta that can do these surgeries.

We liked Dr. Mackay a lot and feel comfortable with this.  He is a parent and has a lot of experience with kids and babies.  He talked with us for a long time about the surgery and different options and ways for doing the surgery (he is still not a candidate for the less invasive strip craniectomy though).  He spoke of the high severity of this surgery and the risks.  One of the biggest risks is blood loss because babies only have about a liter of blood in their little bodies.  We will have family members tested for blood match with Mason, and donate blood for his surgery.  We asked a lot of tough questions that we didn't ask Dr. Wrubel due to still being in shock at that appointment.  It is reassuring to know that they haven't had a death in this surgery - that is of course our biggest fear.  He reassured us that he takes this surgery very seriously and does it in the safest manner possible and will take good care of our sweet baby boy.

The surgery will take place at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston Hospital instead of Scottish Rite.  Mason's surgery is going to take place in December when he is 4 months old.  Dr. Mackay's scheduler is currently coordinating with Dr. Wrubel's scheduler, and we will have a surgery date in the next few days.  I am ready to know the date and get prepared for the surgery.  We want to live life as normally as possible leading up to the surgery.  We want to enjoy our perfect baby boy, our amazing toddler, our family, and our friends.  We obviously can't pretend that we don't have this nightmare going on in our lives, but we want to not let it control our lives for the next 2 months.  We know there will be a lot of worry about the surgery over the next 2 months no matter what we do though - it is only natural.

Please continue to keep Mason and our family in your thoughts and prayers.  Pray that the surgeons will prepare to do the surgery to the very best of their ability and that Mason's little body will handle the surgery ok and heal fast.  Thank you all for your support, love, and prayers - it means the world!

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