Sunday, November 10, 2013

CT Scan Pics

I completely forgot to post some pictures from Mason's CT scan. Hopefully these will help you visualize what is going on with his skull and why his brain won't have room to grow properly if he didn't have surgery.

A map of the sutures for reference when looking at the scan images:

On the top of his forehead, you will see a dark spot - that is his soft spot.  At the back of the soft spot starts the sagittal suture.  You will see that Mason's is completely closed (fused).  There should be the same "line" looking things that are running down his forehead and on the sides of his head.  The sagittal suture being fused, causes his brain to push forward instead of having room to round out his skull.  That is why his head is long and narrow and his sweet little forehead protrudes.

Here is a picture of Mason's sweet little head at 6 weeks old.  The oblong shape is caused by Craniosynostosis of the sagittal suture. 

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