Sunday, November 10, 2013

1 Month To Go

Mason is 3 months old today, which means his surgery is 1 short month away.  I am literally nauseous thinking about how close that is, and how fast that will be here.  I get nauseous every time I think about his surgery and what he has to go through and overcome.  I am terrified, nervous, sad, and stressed about surgery.  It isn't fair that our sweet baby has to go through this huge surgery, be in pain, and have a huge scar on his head for the rest of his life.  Don't get me wrong, it isn't fair for ANY child to go through any kind of illness, disease, injury, etc..

The next month will be full of preparations - preparations for surgery, post-surgery, and the holidays.  I have to organize the blood donors for Mason's surgery, make arrangements for Easton during surgery and our stay at the hospital, and get all of our Christmas decorating and shopping completely done.

Please continue to pray for our little man and our family to get through this hard time in our lives.  Please pray that Mason will not have a lot of pain and will make it through the surgery without any complications and minimal blood loss.  Please also pray for our strength as his surgery approaches.


  1. Baylee, of course we've been out of touch & I'm just getting the details of this! Amy said your new baby was having an operation but I had no idea how serious! I'm not sure what I can do given my health condition, but I will share this so you will get as many prayers as I can possibly help you get! Is there anything else you need?

    1. Thank you so much, Lynn. I am also praying for you! Amy told me a little about what you have been going through, and I am SO sorry!
