Thursday, November 21, 2013

Surgery time changed - praise God!

We got some amazing news yesterday! Mason's surgery will now be at 7:30am instead of 12:00pm. Praise God! I have been a wreck worrying about the fasting that goes along with his surgery. Mason eats every 2 hours during the day and then sleeps through the night. That was going to make for a hungry, upset baby with a noon surgery time. With his new surgery time, he'll be able to have breastmilk up until 1:30am and then pedialyte or water up until 3:30am. I think his hunger will be much more manageable this way. I plan to wake him up to try to get him to eat at 1:30am to hold him over. Fingers crossed that it works well! Anything to make the worst day of our lives easier.

Thank you for the continued thoughts and prayers! Please continue adding him to your prayer lists and sharing his Facebook prayer page. God bless you all!


  1. That's great news! I was able to play classical music on my phone (Pandora app) and an app that shows black & white geometrical shapes to distract him. And it worked! He didn't fuss that morning. I also let Aaron carry him more than me (because he was exclusively breastfeed and we didn't want him asking for that). Noah was 4 months old at the time of the surgery.

    Images from the picture app I used are on Page 8. It's called Baby Look Patterns, but doesn't seem to be in the app store right now. You can find similar apps by searching for "high contrast patterns."
